Thursday, August 14, 2008


I have absolutly none of it. The last few days have been a roller coaster. I have played maybe 2000 hands, with the first 1500 being break even, and losing $20 in the last 500. That's 10 buy ins for me at .01/.02 PLO. I know I said I was going to stop after losing $10 in a session, but I have this problem where I always chase my losses right away. So after feeling pretty shitty about losing that much, I found one of my donkies playing .10/.25 PLO and took the seat to his right. On the 4th hand in I won a $70 pot and left. I seem to run much better at the "higher" stakes rather than .01/.02.

So right now my roll is at $84. I really need to learn to not play out of my roll and quit when losing. I'm going to put in a short session right now, I'll come back and let ya know how it goes.

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