Sunday, August 10, 2008


One thing that I have always had problems with online is logging 1000+ hands in a session. The most tables of 6-max that I can handle is 5, and after sitting and staring at the screen for a couple hours I start to get a little loopy. So I have decided to put some limitations on how long my sessions are going to be. I will stop playing if I:

-win $15

-lose $10

-reach 1000 hands

-or if I just dont feel like playing anymore

I know it takes many hands at a limit to see how well you are actually doing in the long run, but my sanity comes first, so I'll just play for pennies for a while longer.

I am up to $73 from my last post. I played a couple of sessions after my post on Thursday and after about 1500 hands at .01/.02 PLO, I was down about $12. Losing online has always tilted me more online than live, even if its only for a $4 pot. I'll yell at the screen, immediatly look at the HH and go run the numbers to see how bad they play, and start getting a little too aggro at the other tables, and tilt off a buyin maybe. On the other hand I was playing a live $1/$2 NLHE game in Iowa about a month ago and got my KK out ran by AK all in on a flop of 10 K x. That was for about a $350 pot, and I very easily said nice hand, and calmly left the table to go donk and some BJ.

Anyhow, I was dwn about $12 and just had to go chase my loss by playing .10/.25 PLO. Within 20 hands, I was racing with someone for a $30 pot, and won. Obv I quit right away after making only $3 after 1500+ hands, but I'm going to have to get used to that and also get used having losing sessions. Esspecially playing PLO.

Looking back this was a bad play because if I'm getting action on the flop, I'm probably crushed. I was lucky enough to be about %47 to win, but lost the race.

Fin must have been steaming because these next 2 hands happened back to back.

GL at the tables!

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